We will create time and space to truly practice, reflect, and elevate our Cognitive Coaching skill sets. We will practice building a sense of collective efficacy in order to increase our own craftsmanship, consciousness, and efficacy in becoming mediators of thought. This is an opportunity to network and build your coaching PLN. You will be partners with various coaching partnerships to expand on your craft. Partners will be matched based on survey preferences based and will switch throughout the course. Participants will engage in reflections and interactions via Schoology. Cognitive Coach training is recommended strongly, but we also pull from Bruce Wellman, Diane Sweeney, Elena Agular, and Jim Knight’s work. Their influential work helps us formulate best practices as well as materials for this course. This is not a cognitive coaching class. This is a class that supports coaches deepening your practice and building connection points with fellow coaches. Prerequisites: Either be cognitive coach trained (days 1-4 minimum) OR have worked as an non directive instructional coach for two years. Adams State Graduate Credit will be made available for our out of district participants.